Sustainable Composites


The unique product of BPREG; thermoplastic UD prepregs in the form of either organosheet or tape. They are designed to provide solution in
* load-specific design
* ultimate lightweighting
* scrap minimization


Ready-to-shape thermoplastic woven prepregs of customized weaving patterns provide
* orthotropic mechanical properties
* better drapeability
* easy manuel handling


Dry fabrics to be used in thermoset & thermoplastic composites are designed with
* only natural fibers
* hybrid approach of natural and basalt fiber
* commingled yarns of natural fiber and thermoplastic polymer


Laminated plates of EcoRein UD and Woven Prepregs can be manufactured upon request
* in varied stacking sequence, thickness and dimension
* for acoustic applications
* as hybrid composites of flax/carbon and flax/basalt



All thermoforming processes are suitable to shape UD and Woven Prepregs into final product of 2D or 3D geometry.


UD and Woven Prepregs are compatible with nonwoven, honeycomb, foam, fabric and prepreg structures used in composite industry.


Our prepregs can be reshaped/remolded/reformed. Moreover, the production scraps can be ground as small flakes and fed into the extrusion process.

Design Flexibility

Fiber content, prepreg weight and width can be customized. EcoRein® prepregs are available in rolls or as plates.


We prefer natural colour of flax (beige/yellowish brown). The colour of thermoplastic polymer is optional. Screen printing is also an alternative for localized colouration.

UV Stability

Natural fibers can withstand UV light. UV resistant thermoplastic polymer is optional. Just let us know your requirement on UV stability.

Fire Retardancy & Odor

Our UD Prepregs resists 30 seconds of direct surface ignition without burning, fog or drips. EcoRein® doesn’t release VOC emission and unpleasant odor.


The tech behind our prepregs eliminate labour- chemical- and energy intensive steps. We are assertive in offering the best price/performace deal.

Expertise You Need

Contact us to discuss how to apply natural fiber composites in your processes.